Mechatronic Systems


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Tool adaptor for active vibration control in turning operations

19 June 2023

A tool adaptor with built-in active vibration damping device to dynamically stabilize the turning process is presented in this paper. It can be used in standard CNC-lathes and allows the usage of off-the-shelf tool heads. The vibration compensation system is based on a multilayer piezoactuator that is in collocation with a piezoelectric force sensor. An analogue controller based on the integral force feedback method is used for active damping.

Driving control electronics piezoelectric actuators space applications

19 June 2023

Piezoelectric mechanisms are more and more used in space applications requiring precise positioning functions for scientific payloads or optical functions. Indeed, piezoelectric actuators are generally deemed of being good candidates for driving and control compact mechanisms.
a new amplified piezoelectric actuator for precise positioning and active damping

High power force oscillator and drive electronics

19 June 2023

This paper presents the development of one amount the largest piezo actuator ever designed based on low voltage PZT. This actuator is able to provide more than 20kN of force in dynamic operation (60kN in static operation). The purpose of low frequency vibration generation is to improve the quality of parts production in the field of manufacturing and machining process.

Highly dynamic & high precision self balanced optical mechanism

19 June 2023

Ongoing developments of instruments reveal the need for fast and precise mechanisms [1]. These requirements are all the more significant when large payloads of hundreds grams, such as mirrors, optical plates, corner cubes or antennas are involved in the motion. Indeed, highly dynamic kinematics coupled with large inertia lead to parasitic reaction forces that interfere on the accurate measurement.

Hysteresis characterization in piezoceramic stack actuators and its influence on vibration and noise reduction in helicopters using actively controlled flaps

19 June 2023

In this study, a characterization of hysteresis in a piezoceramic stack actuator similar to those employed in an actively controlled flap (ACF) system is performed to assess the effects of hysteresis on system performance. The effect of unmodeled actuation hysteresis may significantly reduce vibration and noise reduction capabilities. A hysteresis model based on the classical Preisach model has been developed from experimental data.

Dynamic strain limits of Amplified Piezo Actuators

19 June 2023

It is well known that the Amplified Piezo Actuators (APA) offer large strains in static conditions and at resonance. Because many applications as shakers, anti-vibration and motors would benefit also of large dynamic strain below resonance, the maximum strain of the APA has been theoretically and experimentally investigated in this wide frequency range. The tested actuator is the APA30uXS currently used in the SPA30uXS new inertial micro piezo motor.