The medical technologies (Medtec) is a segment of the Health Market where CEDRAT TECHNOLOGIES (CTEC) have been delivering compact dynamic and precise mechatronic components (Actuators & Sensors with their electronics) & solutions (detection & motorized systems) since 1990s. CTEC products are used in Medical devices and applications in order to improve and to save people’s lives, from research & prevention, to diagnosis to cure. CTEC defines 3 main categories in the Medtec market:
- Medical Devices, research instrumentations & In Vitro Diagnostics
- Medical components Manufacturing & Process machine
- Implants, Prosthesis & Surgery assistance
Most of the applications in these 3 categories are very demanding in terms of miniaturization, bio / MRI / EMC compatibilities. From prototypes to OEM products’ requirement, CTEC provides its customers with clean, reliable, low power, accurate and non- magnetic mechatronic solutions.

CTEC solutions such as piezo shutters, slits, positioners, goniometers and scanning stages are integrated in many scientific instrumentations like X-Ray & Electron Microscope (SEM, TEM) imagers, IR spectrometers & Cytometers to name but a few. Our client scientific instrumentations are used in Medical & Bio labs for advanced research program in Immunology, Oncology, Drugs & Genomics, some of these instruments being even used in the fight against COVID-19.
CTEC OEM solutions are also implemented in medical X-ray, MR elastography, Laser & Nuclear imaging devices through high value added functions (micro-scanning, active damping, anti-blurring, etc…) in terms of cellular imaging resolution in order to improve the diagnostics of Cancer and to prevent from long and severe cure.
Machines producing & assembling parts into medical components (stents, needles, cutters, etc…) and processing material & chemicals (powders, reagents, etc…) are also requiring for accurate handling, fast clamping & positioning, shaking, fine dosing and fluidic control functions. CTEC piezo actuators (APA®, PPA and MSPA) are serving and fast cycling performing in grippers, shakers, positioners and liquid dispensers used in Medical production line.
CTEC is involved in the development of Ultrasonic generators that are used for improvement of liquid chemical processing and especially for antibacterial coating of medical Fabrics (bed linen, membrane, etc..) and parts (Catheters,..).

Medical instruments used in surgery such as endoscopes, trocars, valves, pumps and bio-sensors are found of compact, dynamic and precise motion solutions.
For instance, CTEC piezo actuator APA120ML is integrated in the Cardiolock, a mechanical active heart stabilizer used to locally damp & cancel the heart vibration disturbances during the coronary suturing process. Similar actuators are also used as vibrators to help the insertion of prosthesis in the bone part.
Thanks to their long life time, low voltage and MRI compatibility, the APA® (>10^10 cycles) and the SPA (> 10^6 cycles) families of piezo products are good candidates to be implanted in a human body. For example, Exoskeletons based on non-magnetic APA50XS have been developed for over twenty percent strain that is comparable to natural skeletal muscles. SPA motors can be found integrated in smart drug-delivery Microsystems to perform precise dosing.
Our piezo actuators are also being implemented in other kinds of implants and prostheses (cochlear, orthopaedic, needle insertion …).
Another property of piezo material (converting mechanical energy into electricity) has also been used to develop micro-piezo energy harvester of 1 cm3 to replace the battery inside a pace maker.