Magnetism for mechatronics by Cedrat Technologies
This training is intended to provide a better knowledge of phenomena and « physical understanding » applied to industrial products. Starting with the basic equations, the course includes several experiments illustrating magnetostatics, electromagnetics and magnetisation effects. This course is mainly oriented towards design engineers and technicians who want to discover, improve or recover their knowledge in magnetism for electric engineering applications.
- Discover and update knowledge in magnetism
- Learn the theory
- Acquire « physical understanding »
- Understand practical applications
Design engineers and technicians who aim to discover, improve or recover their knowledge in magnetism.
- Copies in English
- Training taught in English
- Postulates of electromagnetism
- Maxwell’s equation presentation
- Integral and local form
- Tools to study magnetic circuits
- Flux conservation; Ampere’s law; Hopkinson’s formulae/ Analogies; Lenz/Faraday’s law; Lorentz’ force/Laplace’s force; Biot and Savart’s law.
- Definitions/Terminology
- Flux, inductance and mutual
- Electric laws
- Active and reactive power
- Conversion of energy/Power balances
- Electromagnetic actuators
- Relations between magnetic force/torque and energy
- Diffusion of flux density
- Case of AC steady state without motion
- Skin depth, induced currents
- Computation of power dissipated by Eddy currents
- Diffusion in a moving media with constant source
- Case of a moving media with time varying source
- Examples
- Micromagnetism
- Magnetic moment; Atomic magnetism; Types of magnetic materials; Curie’s temperature; Anisotropy
- Magnetisation mechanism
- Weiss’ domains; Bloch’s wall; Hysteresis cycle; Iron losses mechanisms
- Workshop - Modelling & experimentations
- Soft materials
- Use of soft materials
- Hard materials
- Use of hard materials
- Computation of working points
- Material magnetisation
- Shape effects
- Magnetic field in vacuum