Production machine & machine tool


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MICA actuator: highly dynamic controllable magnetic actuators

19 June 2023

Moving Iron Controllable Actuator is a concept of linear magnetic actuator that is especially designed to respond to the need of highly dynamic controllable actuators. The article presents the specificity of the actuator compared to more classical magnetic actuator concepts. It points out the interest of its properties and describes technological issues it implies. A MICA prototype has been built and its main performances are given: 800N, 20A, with a size 160*200*150. The controllability of the actuator has been demonstrated by simulation using force characteristic of MICA. Finally, the prototype will be declined in a full range of magnetic actuators as products of Cedrat Technologies.

Moving Iron Controllable Actuator : Performances in close loop control

19 June 2023

Moving iron controllable actuator (MICA) is a highly controllable Actuator. It has a robust mobile part with elastic guiding for a long life. The article presents the performances of the MICA when it is driven in a closed loop and shows impressive results achieved by IDEKO on a SOLARUCE milling machine.

New developments in piezo actuators: Long stroke actuators and high power electronics

19 June 2023

In many cases piezoelectric actuators reach limitations in terms of maximum displacement and cycling frequency. Most amplified actuator technologies struggle to go over the millimeter of stroke. Furthermore certain closed-loop applications demand stroke measurement integrated into the actuator. While few amplifiers on the market can offer 20Amps current over a few 100ms, development of high power supply units runs parallel with actuator improvements. However with the introduction of high power supplies comes the problem of self-heating of the piezo ceramic. Finally extreme environmental conditions in terms of harsh conditions and high temperatures need to be addressed in order to open these markets for piezo actuators. Cedrat Technologies has been heavily investigating in solutions to overcome all of these drawbacks and these solutions are presented here.

New Paradigm in control of machining system’s dynamics

19 June 2023

Complex mechanical components machined with zero defects are an essential condition in precision manufacturing and it becomes a new challenge for the next generation intelligent machining systems. Improved precision and accuracy of machines, processes and components offers substantial benefits to a wide range of applications from ultra-precision to mass customization with higher quality and better reliability. Within this context, this paper identifies critical problems that limit the performance of the machining system and address them by advancing novel solutions.

Piezoelectric Actuator for precise and fast Oval Pistons manufacturing

19 June 2023

Piezoelectric Actuator and related driving & control electronic for precise and fast «Oval Pistons» manufacturing Oval pistons are used in all automotive industry. Every vehicle, motorbike, car and truck uses oval pistons. The reason is that pistons in these vehicles are working in very hot environment and as a consequence, the external shape deformation induced thermal growth of the piston is compensated by these «ovalities» (oval shapes).

Rotation free linear actuator

19 June 2023

This paper presents the development of a rotation free linear actuator: The use of highly dynamic actuator in the rotating frame, such as piezo actuator, required dedicated devices to transmit the electrical power from the static frame to the rotating one. Slip rings and rotating transformers are able to provide this function. However the integration of such components required invasive operations