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Space compliant mobile voice coil actuator
19 June 2023
A moving coil actuator for high precision positioning and compatible with space technology specifications has been designed and successfully tested. General space technology requirements are the use of no degassing material, no lubrication, low mechanic time constant, low electrical power consumption, and thermal energy evacuation through radiating and conducting exchanges (no convection because of operation in vacuum environment). These specifications have been accounted in the design, the realisation and the test of a successful prototype: Thanks to a good design of thermal drains, the actuator presents a high force versus weight ratio.

Strain gages sensors for high stability piezo actuators
19 June 2023
Space, military, and industrial applications require precision position sensors in order to perform closed-loop control or to monitor the state of a system. Those applications usually come with constraints such as wide thermal range, long lifetime, high stability, and compactness.

Structural damage identification
19 June 2023
This paper presents two approaches for structural damage identification, each based on a different philosophy. The Virtual Distortion Method is a model-updating method of damage assessment, utilizing gradient-based optimization techniques to solve the resulting inverse dynamic problem in the time domain. Case-Based Reasoning is a soft-computing method utilizing wavelet transformation for signal processing and neural networks for training a base of damage cases to use for retrieving a similar relevant case.

Qualification of Euclid near infrared spectro photometer cryomechanism – An application of CTEC ECS
19 June 2023
Already presented at 2015 ESMATS symposium [1], the CEA-Cryomechanism (CM) is a cryogenic rotating actuator that can operate from room temperature down to cryogenic environments, under vacuum or nitrogen atmosphere. In the framework of the Euclid-NISP space program, after having built two bread board model (BBM) units, CEA has undergone the integration of three qualification model (QM) units, among which one unit is going through a full qualification program (the two remaining units are intended to be qualified at upper system level).

R&T CNES Capteur de proximite et detection de fin de course ECS
19 June 2023
Model a contactless proximity sensor that can be used at the same time as limit switch (in deployment mechanisms) or top tower.

Robustness of SHM techniques based on lamb waves
19 June 2023
Required improvements of piezoelectric elements actuation and measurement system efficiency and robustness are introduced as a critical feature for structural health monitoring (SHM) applications. An electronic module (Lamb wave detection system: LWDS) allowing to use each piezoelectric element in an array either in emission or reception mode is presented. The high commutation rate between these two states, for each transducer separately, is a key enhancement for SHM methods. The robustness of the sensor integration is also studied considering the patches size and bonding method. Coupled dispersion curve are introduced Comparison of FEM simulation and experiments of the piezo-electric coupling are presented. This work takes part of the H2020 REMAP project about adaptive aircraft maintenance planning.