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Supply electronics for piezo actuators & motors
19 June 2023
In previous editions of Flux Magazine, we have presented some of the range of piezo actuators developed by CEDRAT RECHERCHE. These actuators cover a whole range of displacements from a few centimetres to sub-micrometric distances and from low to ultrasonic frequencies.The fields of application are expanding rapidly and use the latest developments in electronics for their power supply and control.

Testing of amplified piezoelectric actuator in a combined vibration and acceleration
19 June 2023
Sandia National Laboratories has previously tested a capability to impose a 7.5 g-rms (30 g peak) radial vibration load up to 2 kHz on a 25 lb object with superimposed 50 g acceleration at its centrifuge facility. This was accomplished by attaching a 3,000 lb Unholtz-Dickie mechanical shaker at the end of the centrifuge arm to create a “Vibrafuge”. However, the combination of non-radial vibration directions, and linear accelerations higher than 50g’s are currently not possible because of the load capabilities of the shaker and the stresses on the internal shaker components due to the combined centrifuge acceleration.

The design and qualification of the piezo actuated
19 June 2023
As part of the Lisa Technology Package (LTP) on board the LISA-PATHFINDER spacecraft, the LISAPATHFINDER interferometer is of the heterodyne Mach-Zehnder type. It requires as input two light beams derived from the same source but with a small frequency difference (a few kHz). These two optical beams are produced in the Laser Assembly (LA) via the “Laser Modulation Unit” (LMU). The LMU includes an optical bench, two Acousto-Optic Modulators and two Optical Delay Lines [1].

Thermal vacuum behaviour of a stepping piezo actuator
19 June 2023
The presented work illustrates the design of a new high force Stepping Piezoelectric Actuator (SPA) and describes its Thermal Vacuum testing as performed by ESTL, in order to investigate SPA compatibility with vacuum environment within a wide temperatures range; from +60°C down to -180°C. A dedicated test bench was designed, in order to check motor force and speed for all performed tests. Instrumentation, testing and observations about tribological behaviour of friction interface have been realized by ESTL, showing interesting perspectives.

Tool adaptor for active vibration control in turning operations
19 June 2023
A tool adaptor with built-in active vibration damping device to dynamically stabilize the turning process is presented in this paper. It can be used in standard CNC-lathes and allows the usage of off-the-shelf tool heads. The vibration compensation system is based on a multilayer piezoactuator that is in collocation with a piezoelectric force sensor. An analogue controller based on the integral force feedback method is used for active damping.

Tubular ultrasonic transducer: MUST with axial excitation versus conventional with radial excitation
19 June 2023
This paper presents comparison between two excitation solutions for tubular ultrasonic transducer. The axial excitation is widespread in conventional ultrasonic transducer. The radial excitation is proposed in order to have an uniform acoustic energy all along the tube. This excitation approach is also proposed to allow the modularity by adding several tubes.