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La piézoélectricité entre dans une ère nouvelle
2 January 2007
His fifteen years of research in electronics have enabled Frank Claeyssen to take his piezoelectric actuators to a promising industrial stage.

Smart actuators for aircraft applications
4 January 2003
Smart actuators and intelligent structures receive a considerable interest in the fields of Air & Space, to realise new functions or more efficient functions than passive structures. In these fields, there are needs for actuation means offering high mechanical energy density (product of stroke and force divided by the mass), a low power consumption, a resistance to severe environment (such as vibrations) as well as other case by case needs : High resolution (embedded active optics for cameras and telescopes), fast response (active control of structures shape, active damping of vibration)…

Actuator based on the Thomson effect
1 January 2003
Good limitations of the current in a circuit using an electromechanical breaker suppose a very fast opening of the contacts. Due to the fact that the electrodynamic repulsive forces do not generate enough acceleration, an actuator has to be used to improve the breaker performances. Since a traditional reluctant magnetic device is too slow for the application concerned, a propeller based on the Thomson effect has been chosen. FLUX2D simulations make possible a good understanding of the propeller’s operation and thus the improvement of its design.

APA® based piezoelectric inchworm motor
11 January 2002
The focus of this research was to create a linear motor that could easily be packaged and still perform the same task of the current DC motor linear device. An incremental linear motor design was decided upon, for its flexibility in which the motor can be designed. To replace the current motor it was necessary to develop a high force, high speed incremental linear motor. To accomplish this task, piezoelectric actuators were utilized to drive the motor due their fast response times and high force capabilities.

DTT35XS new compact piezo tilt mechanism
9 January 2002
The DTT35XS is a new piezo mechanism coming from CEDRAT TECHNOLOGIES lab in February 2002. It comes from a development for space needs defi ned with the CNES (the French space agency), and for which a first application was found in the frame of “PHARAO”. This mechanism is based on two pairs of APA35XS, Amplifi ed Piezo Actuators displaying 35 µm of stroke each, arranged in cross configuration. The mechanism allows both a defl ection of +/- 2 mrad around the X and Y axis and a vertical displacement of 35 µm in the Z direction.

XY200M a new design of piezo stage
9 January 2002
The XY200M is an XY piezo stage coming from CEDRAT TECHNOLOGIES lab and which was newly designed according to space needs defined with CNES (the French space agency). This XY stage benefi ts from the heritage of a former XY stage
developed for ESA (European Space Agency) in the frame of Rosetta / Midas space mission which will launch in the beginning of 2003. It is based on two pairs of APA200M, Amplifi ed Piezo Actuators displaying 200 µm of stroke each, arranged in cross configuration around a central ring.