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AC magnetic field detection system applied to motion tracking

12 February 2010

In the context of motion tracking and virtual reality, there is a strong need for sensors to monitor the motion of a moving object. These sensors are characterised by their performances (ranges, accuracy, drifts, and susceptibility to the ambient environment) and embedded (small size, light weight). The magnetic technology compared to the mechanical or optical solution allows the working without structural skeleton composed of links interconnected by monitored joints and with possible optical shadows.

MRF actuator for high force locking and damping applications

12 January 2010

The MRF actuators are new electromechanical components using Magneto Rheological Fluids (MRF). These smart fluids are characterized by their ability to change their rheological properties versus applied magnetic field. They can switch from a liquid to an almost solid body. This effect is reversible and operates within a few milliseconds. MRF are used to create controllable dampers, smart shock absorbers or brakes. After having developed several MRF actuators with an original characteristic (presenting a blocking force at rest), Cedrat Technologies was asked to develop a very challenging new MRF damper which goal can be summed up with a few words: “small size and high force”.

ERMR08: Self locking MRF latch and damper

8 January 2008

MRF actuators are new electromechanical components using Magneto Rheological Fluids (MRF). When submitted to a high enough magnetics fiels, MRF switch from a liquid to a near solid body.

Micro piezo actuators

7 January 2008

Obtaining an integratable, compatible, low-cost mechanical energy source delivering a sufficient quantity of easilyaccessible energy within a miniaturised system has been the challenge of recent decades. Urgent demand for and interest in such systems will continue to increase with the development of portable microsystems.

Microcontrollers for piezo-electric actuator

7 January 2008

CEDRAT TECHNOLOGIES is now promoting microcontrollerbased solutions for controlling piezo-actuators. Microcontrollers provide powerful digital signal processing capability with reduced size and cost, allowing embedded applications to be targeted. The new UC45 board uses a microcontroller to provide fully-digital control of piezo-actuators at 10KHz. It features ADC and DAC with 16-bit resolution, for applications where high resolution is required, such as ultraprecise positioning.

MRF actuators

7 January 2008

The MRF Actuators is a new electromechanical component using Magneto Rheological Fluids (MRF). The benefit of these smart fluids is their capability to alter their rheological properties – their viscosity in particular – compared to applied magnetic field.