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High power synthetic jet actuator
19 June 2023
High Power Synthetic Jet Actuator (SJA) based on compact piezoelectric actuators, have been developed and tested by
CEDRAT TECHNOLOGIES (CTEC) and ONERA, under French National funding RAPID from DGA. This publication
presents the modelling approach with early breadboarding results, the final design chosen for integration onto an aircraft
airfoil mock-up, the performance test results on the SJA device prior integration, and the final aerodynamic performance
test demonstration achieved at ONERA wind tunnel test facility.

Driving control electronics piezoelectric actuators space applications
19 June 2023
Piezoelectric mechanisms are more and more used in space applications requiring precise positioning functions for scientific payloads or optical functions. Indeed, piezoelectric actuators are generally deemed of being good candidates for driving and control compact mechanisms.

Dynamic strain limits of Amplified Piezo Actuators
19 June 2023
It is well known that the Amplified Piezo Actuators (APA) offer large strains in static conditions and at resonance. Because many applications as shakers, anti-vibration and motors would benefit also of large dynamic strain below resonance, the maximum strain of the APA has been theoretically and experimentally investigated in this wide frequency range. The tested actuator is the APA30uXS currently used in the SPA30uXS new inertial micro piezo motor.

Eddy current sensors on Printed Circuit Board for compact mechatronic application
19 June 2023
In a contact of always smaller and smarter mechatronics devices, the needs of more integrated sensors becomes critical. Particularly, small mechanisms using small actuators like piezo actuators require compact sensors, with performances that measure up to the actuators characteristics.

Electrical Tunable Low frequency miniature suspension
19 June 2023
Optical instruments such as interferometers and optical delay lines are sensitive to external vibrations and require a strong isolation of vibrations. Some products for active, semi active or passive isolation exist but are rather large which makes them much more suitable for lab applications than to embedded applications as meet in Space, Aircraft or Military applications in general, or in the space ICE CNES experiment. These requirements have driven the development of a new type of Electrically-Tunable Low-Frequency Miniature Suspension.

Electro-fluidic components based on smart materials for aircraft electro-hydraulic
19 June 2023
In the context of a more electrical aircraft, in order to explore the feasibility of non usual solutions, electro-fluidic components based on smart materials and new Electro-Hydraulic-Actuators (EHA) concepts, based on active valves and magnetostrictive vibrating pump, have been studied. Active valves based on different magnetostrictive and piezoelectric actuators have been designed, realised, tested and compared. The magnetostrictive version uses a new Amplified Magnetostrictive Actuator (AMA) based on a stack of Giant Magnetostrictive Materials (GMM) and placed inside an elliptical amplification ring.