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LDIA2007 Moving coil or moving iron controllable actuators

19 June 2023

There is a strong demand of controllable actuators for both traditional and new applications. A controllable actuator should be able to accelerate, break, inverse the motion of the load, all along the stroke. It means the force produced by the actuator should be proportional (at least roughly) to the applied electric excitation, and in particular, the sign of the actuation force could be changed all along the stroke.

Limited Angle Torque for fine angular positioning

19 June 2023

A Limited Angle Torque (LAT) actuator has been designed by Cedrat upon request of the European Space Agency (ESA) for fine pointing applications based on gimbals assembly. The required angular stroke for this application is 13°. Other required features are controllability, high resolution, no micro vibration. Therefore the selected concept is a coil-redounded electromagnetic actuator using Lorentz force. The functional test shows that the generated torque is linear until 200mN.m, but torques up to 300mN.m are achievable.

Long stroke/High resolution tip tilt mechanism

19 June 2023

Multi degree of freedom (dof) mechanisms are widely required into micro or macro manipulation fields as well as in optronics functions. Commonly available mechanisms may be divided into two main categories. The first is industrial robots (serial or parallel). These offer large range of motion, in rotation and translation. Their resolution is usually limited in the sub-millimeter range. The second category achieves very high resolution motion (sub-nanometer) but is limited to a few decades of microns. A way to combine both long stroke and resolution is to use piezo motors into multi dof mechanisms. The aim of this paper is to present a combination of both advantages into a low volume tripod actuator. The Tripod Actuator by Cedrat Technologies (TrAC) is a 3 dof mechanism offering +/-35° rotation around X and Y axis and a 10mm Z translation stroke into a low volume of Ø50x50mm.
a new amplified piezoelectric actuator for precise positioning and active damping

High power force oscillator and drive electronics

19 June 2023

This paper presents the development of one amount the largest piezo actuator ever designed based on low voltage PZT. This actuator is able to provide more than 20kN of force in dynamic operation (60kN in static operation). The purpose of low frequency vibration generation is to improve the quality of parts production in the field of manufacturing and machining process.

High power synthetic jet actuator

19 June 2023

High Power Synthetic Jet Actuator (SJA) based on compact piezoelectric actuators, have been developed and tested by CEDRAT TECHNOLOGIES (CTEC) and ONERA, under French National funding RAPID from DGA. This publication presents the modelling approach with early breadboarding results, the final design chosen for integration onto an aircraft airfoil mock-up, the performance test results on the SJA device prior integration, and the final aerodynamic performance test demonstration achieved at ONERA wind tunnel test facility.

Highly dynamic & high precision self balanced optical mechanism

19 June 2023

Ongoing developments of instruments reveal the need for fast and precise mechanisms [1]. These requirements are all the more significant when large payloads of hundreds grams, such as mirrors, optical plates, corner cubes or antennas are involved in the motion. Indeed, highly dynamic kinematics coupled with large inertia lead to parasitic reaction forces that interfere on the accurate measurement.